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Academic Advising & Counselling

Academic Advising & Career Counselling

"Discover the Skills of Higher Education"

The purpose of academic advising is to assist students in developing study plans that are in line with their educational, career, and personal goals. Each student @ Rhythmic Skills is assigned an academic advisor who helps the student discover and investigate various study options and courses. Academic advising aims to provide the following to students:

  • Help students choose courses for current and future semesters
  • Review student’s academic performance
  • Create study plans to resolve academic performance issues
  • Resolve issues faced by students in classroom or in the institute

Rhythmic Skills conducts regular career counselling session for its students. These sessions make students aware of the various career choices and options available to students. One-on-one session with Higher education expert is also provided to explore options in higher education in different universities in United Kingdom.

Academic Tips to Follow

Attendance Tips

Students are responsible for:

  • Attending all learning and teaching sessions associated with their programme of study;
  • Notifying their module tutors/supervisors in advance (e.g. in person, by phone or email) that they expect to be absent from timetabled classes;
  • Obtaining prior permission (e.g. in person, by phone or email) from their nominated Programme Manager for planned absences for two or more days during term time;
  • Notifying their Centre Head in respect of unplanned or unforeseen absences from classes within 24 hours and, if requested by their tutor, providing a medical certificate or other corroborating evidence to explain their absence.


Assessment Tips

The Student must: 

  • Complete induction to Rhythmic Skills programmes
  • Agree to abide by the centre’s policy on assessment, including producing valid evidence for assessment.
  • Produce work for assessment as set out in assignments
  • Meet deadlines for assessment
  • Confirm authenticity of own work
  • Receive assessment decisions and feedback from the Assessor
  • Plan next steps with the Assessor.


Assessment Board

Rhythmic Skills holds Assessment Boards for all of the programmes. The main purpose of an Assessment Board is to make recommendations on:

  • The grades achieved by students on the individual units
  • Extenuating circumstances
  • Cases of cheating and plagiarism
  • Progression of students on to the next stage of the programme
  • The awards to be made to students
  • Referrals and deferrals.
  • Assessment Boards also monitors academic standards.


Fee Payment Tips

Payment of Fees

Students are requested not to make any payments to any third party in respect of fees. Rhythmic Skills will not be held responsible if a student makes a payment to any third party. Registration will not be confirmed if the fee is not paid.

The Course fees will be collected from the student/parent/guardian/sponsor in the following ways:


For Qualification & Diploma Programs

  • 1st payment option: One -Time Single Payment

    Full course fee payment to be paid one-week prior to the beginning of the program.

  • 2nd payment option: Monthly Instalments

Agreed monthly payments should be made on or before the next payment date of every month.

For Certificate, Award and Other Short Term Courses

  • 1st payment option: One -Time Single Payment

Full course fee payment to be paid one week prior to the beginning of the short-term course

  • 2nd payment option: Monthly Installments

Monthly payment (during the duration of the short term course) should be made on or before the next payment date of every month.

For Workshops

Payment must be made on or before the start date of the workshop.

Mode of payment: Payment can be made as Cash payment or Credit card payment. Post-dated Cheques and Demand Drafts (DD) are not accepted.

Late Fee charges

Fees Defaulters will be charged a late fee payment of £ 10/- every week starting from the fee due date.



All students are expected to pay their fees as detailed in this policy. Students who are unable to pay must discuss the matter with the management at the earliest opportunity.

In case of failure to pay the fees, the institute may:

  • Restrict the access to the institute facilities
  • Exclude the student from the institute
  • Not allow the student to enrol in further session until outstanding fees are paid
  • Start legal proceedings to recover the outstanding fees


Fee Refund Tips

Rhythmic Skills will try to minimise any disruption to a student’s course of study by providing as much information as possible beforehand.

Students must inform the institute at the earliest opportunity if they wish to claim a refund of fees

Rhythmic Skills will refund fees in the following scenarios:

  • A student withdrawing before the start of the courses / workshop.
  • A student withdrawing from a course/workshop during the academic year
  • Transferring to another course within the institute
  • Circumstances in which the Institute is unable to continue providing a course / workshop.


Specific program refund tips are as follows:

Qualification & Diploma Programs:

Applications for a refund must be made in writing using the appropriate forms.

Refund of fees will be made in the format below:

  • Withdrawal 2 weeks before the start of program: 75%
  • Withdrawal after two weeks and before the start of program: 50%
  • Withdrawal after one class session: 25%
  • Withdrawal after two class sessions: 0%
  • Cancellation of the course by Rhythmic Skills: 100%

The registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable unless Rhythmic Skills decides not to run the program.

Any bank charges/ agent’s fees availed by the students would not be included in the refund.

Processing time for the payment refund is 15 working days. Classes missed while sessions are being run are counted as classes taken while counting the refunds. All refund cases will be treated alike, and no exceptions will be made in any case.


For Certificate, Award and Other Short Term Courses

Applications for a refund must be made in writing using the appropriate forms.

Refund of fees will be made in the format below:

  • Withdrawal before the start of the Short-term / Certificate / Award / Workshop courses : 100%
  • Cancellation of courses by Rhythmic Skills : 100%
  • Withdrawal after the start of the Short-term / Certificate / Award / Workshop courses : 0%

Processing time for the payment of refund is 7 working days.

